Read an interesting news story today....
Apparently, a Baptist church in Sydney, Australia has posted a sign on their building, which reads, "Jesus Loves Osama".
Read about it here.
It's the basis of the Christian belief that God (and therefore, Jesus) loves everyone, regardless of who they are, and what they have done. Since God is Love, it is impossible for Him not to love all human life, even one such as Osama Bin Laden. Indeed, the sign on the church even has Matthew 5:44 quoted on it: "Love you enemies, and pray for those who persecute you".
I guess some people aren't liking the sign very much.
From what I understand, it's not the idea that Jesus could love Osama that they find offensive, it's more a mis-interpretation. I guess some people are seeing this sign, and reading, "Jesus approves of Osama."
I suppose it's an honest mistake, and I can see how the sign could be mis-interpretted. Perhaps the church should have been a little more specific. Maybe "Jesus loves Osama, regardless of what he has done"... Granted, it wouldn't look as nice, and maybe wouldn't have garnered quite as much attention.
Apparently, they aren't the only ones with that message on their building. There are quite a few churches in the inner city in Sydney with similar messages, basically asking for prayer for Osama and other terrorists. The Prime Minister of Australia didn't agree - he felt the prayers could be better used elsewhere... (?)
The reactions to questions have been interesting. The Anglican priest responded that he agreed with the theology, but found the sign "misleading, and potentially offensive". The Baptist spokesperson tried to distance herself, saying that the church was responsible for their own sign, and "they usually aren't this controversial."
Maybe we need to be a little more controversial. As long as we can back up what we're saying, it might do the world some good if we stopped hiding and made people think, react, and investigate.
After all, Jesus didn't get Himself crucified by being politically correct.....
Apparently, a Baptist church in Sydney, Australia has posted a sign on their building, which reads, "Jesus Loves Osama".
Read about it here.
It's the basis of the Christian belief that God (and therefore, Jesus) loves everyone, regardless of who they are, and what they have done. Since God is Love, it is impossible for Him not to love all human life, even one such as Osama Bin Laden. Indeed, the sign on the church even has Matthew 5:44 quoted on it: "Love you enemies, and pray for those who persecute you".
I guess some people aren't liking the sign very much.
From what I understand, it's not the idea that Jesus could love Osama that they find offensive, it's more a mis-interpretation. I guess some people are seeing this sign, and reading, "Jesus approves of Osama."
I suppose it's an honest mistake, and I can see how the sign could be mis-interpretted. Perhaps the church should have been a little more specific. Maybe "Jesus loves Osama, regardless of what he has done"... Granted, it wouldn't look as nice, and maybe wouldn't have garnered quite as much attention.
Apparently, they aren't the only ones with that message on their building. There are quite a few churches in the inner city in Sydney with similar messages, basically asking for prayer for Osama and other terrorists. The Prime Minister of Australia didn't agree - he felt the prayers could be better used elsewhere... (?)
The reactions to questions have been interesting. The Anglican priest responded that he agreed with the theology, but found the sign "misleading, and potentially offensive". The Baptist spokesperson tried to distance herself, saying that the church was responsible for their own sign, and "they usually aren't this controversial."
Maybe we need to be a little more controversial. As long as we can back up what we're saying, it might do the world some good if we stopped hiding and made people think, react, and investigate.
After all, Jesus didn't get Himself crucified by being politically correct.....
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