The End of an Era

Like many people around me, I'm in a bit of shock that Michael Jackson has passed away. It really does seem that he has gone before his time.

It's been interesting to see the reactions of people to this news. Really, it seems that there are 2 extremes, with not much in between: he is either mourned, and remembered for his amazing contributions to pop music performance, or he is hated, and only remembered for the sensational stories of child molestation and plastic surgeries.

I have to ask, what is the truth about Michael Jackson?

Was he a perverted sex offender who just seemed to get away with it?

Or was he a young boy stuck in a man's body, who only wanted to have innocent fun with other kids, and to live out the childhood he was never able to have?

Was there truth to the allegations brought forth by the young boys and their families?

Or were they simply out to get a piece of the pie in the form of fame, publicity, and a lot of money?

I have to admit, the more I hear about M.J., and see footage of him off-stage, the more I like to believe that he was actually very naive, and never realized that what seemed to him to be very innocent, child-like behaviours (ie. having sleep-overs with other kids) could be mis-construed by other adults (and the public in general) as perverted behaviours for an adult man.

I mean, let's face it - the way he lived his life pointed to him not wanting to grow up...why else would he name his ranch "Neverland"?...

I'm not saying it's not a possibility that he was indeed a deviant who preyed on young boys and used his celebrity to "brush it under the carpet", but I have to ask again:

What is the truth about Michael Jackson?

Unfortunately, we will likely never know.

And as a result, I prefer to remember him as the amazing musician and performer that he was, and focus on that legacy.

Not the tabloids.

Hello, my name is Janine....

....and I'm a bad blogger!

I just realized how pathetically long it has been since I've posted on here! I guess I have an excuse, but when it's been over 2 months...

Connor Douglas Elvin arrived on April 21, 2009 at 4:31pm. A little ahead of schedule, but then not really -- he was only 4 days ahead of his due date; it was I who was convinced he'd be at least a week late!

I can't say labour wasn't what I expected, mainly because I didn't know what to expect. I can say, however, that it did not go the way I had hoped. For one thing, we had been told by our pre-natal instructor that only 10% of women have their water break spontaneously before labour starts. Apparently, I fall in that 10%! Doug commented that he's never seen me move so fast as when I bolted from the living room couch to the powder room when I felt a bubble burst between my legs...and made it there before anything hit the floor! It was then I realized that the strong Braxton Hicks with accompanying backache weren't Braxton Hicks after all...I'd been feeling them every 10-20 minutes or so for a couple of hours, but hadn't thought much about them.

That was about 8pm on the 20th. I was in for a long night, and long day the next day. My goal had been to go through labour and delivery without any medications or interventions. I especially didn't want to have an epidural. Well, I managed to avoid any interventions, but the medications and epidural?....well, let's just say, the back labour was the most EXCRUCIATING pain I have ever experienced in my life!!!

But, he was worth it! Connor is now 8 weeks old, smiling away at us, nursing like a champ, and growing like crazy! He was 7lbs, 12oz at birth (3540 grams for you metric types) his 8 week doctor's appointment, he weighed 12lbs, 8oz!! (that's 5760 grams)

Speaking of whom, I am being summoned as we speak...(maybe that's why it's been so long since I've blogged???) I must go and fill the hollow leg my son apparently has!

I'll try to write again soon, and keep you updated on his latest milestones and escapades!